Young Living has five different enzymes.
I personally take Essentialzymes-4 but find what works best for you!
Fast acting and usually taken with meals. Because it’s fast acting, you can get immediate support!
The ideal enzyme for the typical standard American diet as it breaks down proteins, fats, carbs, and fiber.
Great for high protein meals because it contains many protein digesting enzymes.
Has two capsules (one fast acting and one delay release so it can focus on the lower digestive tract issues….great for meat eaters because meat tends to sit low in the digestive tract).
Also infused with Anise, Fennel, Ginger, Rosemary, Tarragon, Lemongrass essential oils that really support our digestive system
Item #: 4645 | Price: $57.50 | PV: 57.50
Contains enzymes that breakdown starches, proteins, and fats. These particular enzymes are great at breaking down really tough fats that may cause our system to be overworked.
This also aids the liver’s function as well!
Slower acting. Typically taken in the morning and used more as a daily support because it’s a great overall enzyme that supports the pancreas.
If you struggle with more digestive issues, it may be a great idea to add additional enzyme support with taking both Essentialzyme daily and Essentialzyme-4 during meals.
Item #: 3272 | Price: $46.25 | PV: 46.25
Detoxzyme combines a myriad of powerful enzymes that complete digestion, help detoxify, and promote cleansing. This is great to pair when you’re going through a detox!
With any detox, it is IMPERATIVE to ease gastric function with enzymes.
This product is also focused on support of the liver and gallbladder.
It is fast acting and can be taken with meals if needing help breaking down foods.
It is vegetarian and contains lactase so great for those who need additional support with dairy products.
Wonderful for skin reactions!
Item #: 3203 | Price: $44.75 | PV: 44.75
Formulated to help aid a digestive system that is more prone to food sensitivities.
Also, can be used for the relief of occasional symptoms such as fullness, pressure, bloating, gas, pain, and/or minor cramping that may occur after eating.
When the body isn’t properly breaking down these complexes caused by diet, we are left with discomfort in sinuses, allergies, frequent illness, etc.
Let’s clear that gut!
It is vegetarian and contains lactase so great for those who need additional support with dairy products!
Taken in-between meals or in the morning, 1-2 capsules 3 times a day as needed.
- Maltase- breaks down sugar called Maltose (-ose is a sugar….fructose, lactose)
- Lactase- breaks down sugar in dairy and milks
- Alpha Galactosidase helps digest sugar.
- Without this enzyme, sugar-fat complexes can accumulate in the gut, and later in the rest of the body. More importantly, alpha-galactosidase enzymes help us break down carbohydrates, depriving bacteria of toxic, gas-producing fuel.
Item #: 3288 | Price: $37.25 | PV: 37.25
Specifically formulated for their growing digestive systems.
Contains enzymes that breakdown proteins, peptides, cellulose (sugars we are not capable of digesting), fats, and lactase.
Relieves fullness, bloating, intestinal discomfort.
Chewable tablet (orange cream and mixed berry) helps support children’s natural ability to digest foods including proteins, carbohydrates and fats
Item #: 3259 | Price: $44.50 | PV: 44.50