Leaky Gut

The connections between gut health and overall health cannot be denied, which is why I’ve dedicated an entire series to the topic of leaky gut syndrome.

We know the gut plays a significant function in weight, heart health, blood sugar levels, immunity, and even brain health! This is all attributed to the microbiome that resides in the gut.

The symptoms of leaky gut can be consistent with symptoms of many other conditions, making identifying leaky gut extra challenging.

I will explain the gut ecosystem and the anatomy of the gut, share various signs of leaky gut, and offer tips on healing the gut.

Did you know that the gut is home to up to 5 pounds of bacteria which play an essential role in maintaining health.

When there is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria, illness can occur.

If you’ve gone through the wringer with testing only to come up short, there’s a chance you may have leaky gut disorder.

Join us to learn the basics of gut health to feel better!

Get the free Leaky Gut Course

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Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.