What’s better than a box of Young Living goodies arriving at your door? A box of Young Living goodies arriving at your door every month! With Young Living’s Loyalty Rewards program, you control what products you want and WHEN you want them. It’s totally customizable – swap out products, change quantities, cancel, change your processing date, or save items for later. You can even earn bonus FREE product, loyalty points and gifts based on your order totals and frequency!
Loyalty Rewards is your very own OPTIONAL, custom “monthly wellness box” that you can fill with whatever you need, and it shows up to your doorstep every month, with free gifts and perks to you.
With NO cost to start, pause or stop, and extra giveaways from our Aroma Nest group.
Essential oils are an excellent tool to have in your wellness toolbox, but they are just ONE tool. Young Living provides you with multiple “tools” to add to that box – supplements, personal care products, household products, etc. They are MORE than just oils. Get out there and explore what they have to offer! Better yet – get those tools delivered to your door every month so you can really transform your journey to better health. Build your wellness lifestyle one box at a time.
No matter where you are at on that journey, Young Living can support you!
Being enrolled in the Young Living Loyalty Rewards program unlocks a 24% discount on all loyalty orders and one-time purchases. It also qualifies you to earn loyalty points and gifts when you spend 50 PV or more on your loyalty order each month.
You get to pick from over 600 oils and products – customizing your loyalty orders to your liking. Once you find the item you’re looking for, click “Add to Loyalty Order” and follow the prompts.
Manage your items in your “My Loyalty Order” tab for the next month by adding, deleting, or moving items into Save for Later before your next process date.
Next up – earning points!
Earning Loyalty Rewards Points
When you add an item to your loyalty order, you automatically score in the convenience department. But what if you could earn points on what you were buying as well? You can!
Just make sure your loyalty order contains at least 50 PV and you’ll start earning 10% in spendable points! Do that consecutively for 3 months and you’ll start earning 20% back in month 4. Do that consecutively for 24 months and that percentage bumps up to 25% in month 25! Make sure you get a 50 PV+ order in every month if you want to climb that percentage ladder.
You do have one grace month every 12 months. Using a grace month will not disrupt your earning percentage or your loyalty points already earned. However, if you skip two or more months, your loyalty points remain intact, but your earning percentage will drop back to 10%, and you will start over with your consecutive month count.
Earning Loyalty Gifts
Did someone say free diffuser? When you place a second consecutive loyalty order of at least 50 PV, you will get a FREE Desert Mist Diffuser as a gift.
Also, when you place consecutive 50 PV Loyalty Orders, you can also earn free loyalty gifts every three months for the first year and once a year thereafter. That’s in addition to your spendable points! How cool is that?!
- After 3 months of consecutive 50 PV + orders, you’ll be gifted a 5 ml bottle of Peppermint Vitality*.
- After 6 months of consecutive 50 PV + orders, you’ll be gifted a 5 ml bottle of Thieves Vitality*.
- After 9 months of consecutive 50 PV + orders, you’ll be gifted a 15 ml Tea Tree*.
- After 12 months of consecutive 50 PV + orders, you’ll be gifted an exclusive 5 ml Loyalty Blend* specially formulated by D. Gary Young!
You’ll continue to earn this exclusive blend once a year thereafter if you keep up that ordering consistency. I love how generous Young Living is – they never cease to amaze me!

*Loyalty gifts may change based on supply
PV Assistant
Sometimes things go out of stock. If you have one of those items in your loyalty order, you should receive an email notifying you of the change. If you accidentally miss that email and your order drops below the require 50 PV for earning points, don’t fret. Simply give Customer Service a call and place an additional order over the phone to earn your loyalty points for the month.
To prevent your order from dropping below your target PV in the future, we recommend using PV Assistant. With PV Assistant, you can create a monthly PV goal, as well as a wish list of your favorite Young Living products. If your next loyalty order ever falls below your customizable PV goal, the PV Assistant will automatically add an item from your wish list, so you always meet your goal.
Exclusive Bundles & Monthly Gifts
Not only do you have the benefits of convenience and customization with your loyalty order, you also get access to exclusive bundles! These bundles are put together to save you money versus ordering them individually or outside of the loyalty program. Take advantage of that!
Being a part of the Loyalty Rewards program also gets you access to even MORE freebies – hard to believe, I know! Every single month – on the first of the month – Young Living releases a special set of promotional items that will come free with your order (“Gifts with Purchase”), based on your total order PV. You get access to a few of those on “regular” one-time orders, but you get access to ALL of them if you’re ordering via the rewards program. They automatically get added to your cart so you don’t even have to go searching for them. These special gifts are outside of all the loyalty points you can earn. How awesome is that?! It truly does pay to subscribe – so many incredible benefits!
Redeeming Points

Once you get a stash of points going, I’m sure you will want to cash those babies in! All you have to do is add some eligible items into a one-time order shopping cart and then choose to “Apply Points” upon checkout. Just make sure you have equal or more than enough points to redeem, as you can’t pay for an item partially with points.
A few things to note – not all items are eligible for point redemption. Newly-released items or items with a low supply/availability may be ineligible. However, TONS of Young Living’s oils and products are ready for you to snag up for free! So get those must-have items like supplements coming regularly in your loyalty order, then use your points to restock things like your favorite oils, shampoo, soap, makeup, and more. #SmartShopper
And just so you know, you can redeem up to 375 points each month. That may seem like a lot, but I promise you – once you start climbing that percentage ladder, those points will add up quickly. And you don’t want to sit on your points too long! Unused points expire on a 12-month rolling basis, meaning they expire 12 months from when they were earned.
Did you realized that all the things you are already buying, like toothpaste, laundry soap, hand soap, lotion, cough drops, supplements, granola bars, pancake mix, vitamins, make up, skincare, even baby & animal products…
Young Living MAKES THOSE!
Except they are way healthier for you, filled with the GOOD stuff, safe ingredients – the ones you can pronounce – all while you could be saving money AND getting other products you want to try for FREE.
We call this transfer buying, because no need to spend MORE money- you are just spending it in a different place- on the things that are way better for you and your family.
Of all the health changes to make- this is the MOST IMPORTANT- Kick “fragrance” to the curb.
When you see ‘fragrance’ on a personal care product’s label, just read it as ‘hidden chemicals.’
Why should you care? This is a major loophole in the FDA’s federal law that allows manufacturers to include nearly ANY ingredient (even toxic ones) in their products under the name ‘fragrance’ without ACTUALLY LISTING the chemical.
Many ingredients in “Fragrances” are KNOWN carcinogens as well as endocrine and reproductive disrupters and these ‘fragrances’ may also contribute to kidney and liver damage. Do you know of anyone who is an asthma sufferer? Google the link between asthma and synthetic fragrance.
Ordering Ideas
Now that we’ve covered all the details about the Loyalty Rewards program, I bet you’re wondering… “But what do I order?” With over 600 oils and products to choose from, I know it can feel a little overwhelming – especially if you are brand new to oils. Let me help you out with a few ideas based on some popular need categories.
Bedtime Essentials
- Lavender essential oil
- Cedarwood essential oil
- Tranquil Roll-On
- RutaVala Roll-On
- ImmuPro chewables
- SleepEssence supplement
- Stress Away essential oil blend
- Cortistop supplement
- CBD Calm Roll-On
- Peace & Calming essential oil blend
- Valor Roll -On
His & Her
- Endoflex essential oil blend
- Thyromin supplement
- Ylang Ylang essential oil
- Progessence Plus (for women)
- Mister essential oil blend (generally used for men)
- KidScents oils & roll-ons
- MightyZyme (digestive enzymes)
- MightyVites (multi-vitamin)
- MightyPro (probiotic)
- Unwind (magnesium supplement)
- KidScents shampoo, bath gel, and lotion
- Seedlings products – wipes, baby oil, lotion, spray, wash, diaper cream
- Seedlings Calm essential oil blend
- Shutran essential oil blend
- Shutran products – wash, soap, shave cream, beard oil, aftershave lotion
- Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil
- Goldenrod essential oil
- Powergize supplement
Oral Care
Safe Cleaning Products
Core Supplements
- Master Formula
- Super C
- Super B
- Super Vitamin D
- OmegaGize
- Life 9
- NingXia Red
- NingXia Greens
- Inner Beauty Collagen
Healthy Cooking
These are just SOME of the many products Young Living has to offer.
Start with these and build from there.
Grab a trustworthy essential oil reference book (if you need some recommendations just let me know), do your research, and discover the power behind these plants.
They are incredibly versatile!
Tap into our oily community and learn from each other. Chances are they have some ideas for you!
We all just want the best for our families!
Let’s ditch and switch them now- and opt for a safe, clean, plant-based product that shows up at your door monthly.
I give suggestions of what to get for the season on our

page every month, on the diffuser calendar, via email and
we’ve got all the information you need in our Facebook group.
Use the Guide Section & Search Function. Can’t find it? Just ask.

Questions? Want a Bio Feedback Wellness Scan if you are local to me? Send me a text to: (248) 587-7292 or email to: Viviane@VivianeNiemann.com
Find me on Instagram: @Viviane.Niemann | @AromaNestFamily
and I’d love to be friends on Facebook, in case we are not connected yet https://www.facebook.com/Viviane.Niemann98

Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.
The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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