Welcome to the powerful Intro to NingXia!
NingXia has changed my life; and I am glad to have you here to train on it! This is an intense, concentrated training on one of the most powerful whole foods on the planet. My hope is that when you wrap this class up, you start taking this as a regular dietary supplement, and get as much of your family drinking it, too. Let’s take a quick peek at the company that makes NingXia, Young Living. We believe in sourcing the best ingredients possible. This is who we are.
This is a recording from beginning of Ningxia Red, 17 years ago. I will only have this on here for a limited time; you’ll know why when you listen to it.
THIS is why we drink Ningxia, and I hope you do too!

Let’s go right to the farms. You can experience them from your seat—right now. THIS is Young Living.

It’s not always about what you’re cutting out, it’s also about what you are putting in. If I could pick just one Young Living supplement, my personal favorite is NingXia Red. Can’t you just get what you need from your food? No. Not anymore. The food the Lord created when He made this earth is not the food that’s being grown here now.

Food is repeatedly grown on the same land, with pesticides and fertilizers. Scientists are creating new varieties of crops to grow faster and resist bugs. The plants don’t have the time they need to absorb the same nutrients. The soil loses its vitamins, minerals, and microbes faster than they can be replaced. A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 (just 22 years) found average Calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped 27 percent, iron levels 30 percent, and Vitamin C dropped 30 percent. You would have to eat eight oranges today to get the same amount of Vitamin A that your grandparents got (that data, from Scientific American).

Maybe you can’t get enough from plants, but you think you can make it up with meat. When plants contain fewer nutrients, the animals that eat them are also malnourished. A study from the “Journal of Nutrition and Health” found copper levels in the UK are down 90 percent in dairy, 55 percent in meat, and 76 percent in vegetables. Water is also depleted of minerals because of the plants pulling for more nutrients, and modern production methods which are more efficient. It means more plants on the same land and more crop rotations over doing it by hand. Then there are town filtration systems. Many of them remove important minerals, like magnesium, which is essential for 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Then top it off by adding chlorine and fluoride.

Beyond that, nutrient absorption declines with age. The older we get, the less we absorb. Nutrient deficiencies hurt your performance, cause DNA damage, make you age faster, and cause chronic disease. That’s why we need to supplement our diet.
What is NingXia?
It is the whole wolfberry puree. If you leave your NingXia on the counter for a few minutes, you’ll notice that it divides into two colors. The color on the bottom is pureed fruit. It’s about half to a third of the bottle. By using the entire plant and not just its juice, you now have a whole food supplement. That’s much more powerful.
When you get NingXia in your home, set a bottle on the counter for a couple of hours and check it out yourself. That NingXia berry puree at the bottom of the bottle after it settles is part of the reason NingXia is a whole food supplement– and why it’s so good for you.

NingXia wolfberries grow on the Young Living farm in the NingXia River Valley in China. On top of that, the juice is blended with blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils. (Yuzu is an oil you cannot get by itself in Young Living, it’s used only for NingXia). NingXia is the only nutrient drink on the market that combines whole Chinese wolfberries and pure, therapeutic grade essential oils into a single beverage.
There are at least 80 species of Lysium berries worldwide, but only the Barbarum shows the highest nutrient levels in scientific testing. The NingXia region holds the Gold Certificate; China’s equivalent of the USDA’s organic certification. They are grown with
- no fertilizers
- no pesticides
- no sulfur
- no irradiation
- no dyes, and
- no heavy metals of lead, arson, mercury, or cadmium in the soil.
The NingXia region’s irrigation water comes from the Yellow River, which is upstream from all the pollutants of the major cities. The Yellow River floods the NingXia plants with a layer of minerals and silt every year. The farms in NingXia are in a semi-arid region with plenty of sunlight, and a high temperature difference between night and day (think of sap running in maple trees). Temperature differences are good for the liquids in plants, they keep them moving. The elevation is just right for the plant to be the most productive. Any other place in the world would not have the same ecological condition of the pH of the water, the nutrients in the soil, or silt from the Yellow River. The conditions have earned NingXia the distinction of being China’s recognized herbal medicine valley.
NingXia has a high nutritional content and naturally occurring organic sugar (the sugar that allows your cells to talk). NingXia is China’s only medicinal wolfberry production base. The Lycium Barbarum variety of the wolfberry is superior in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants: more than any other wolfberry in the world. Here’s a little Chinese proverb to round it out… “if you want to be happy for an hour, go take a nap. If you want to be happy for a day, go fishing. If you want to be happy for a lifetime, help people.” That is why I teach on NingXia, because I believe in helping you.
Now let’s talk about the journey that NingXia took to get to your doorstep.
It’s hard to bring something sacred from China all the way to the United States! Gary Young was in search of the fountain of youth– the plant that was eaten that helped people live well into their 100’s. He searched in all corners of the earth. His journey is chronicled in a book you can pick up called “NingXia Wolfberry: The Ultimate Superfood.”

He found that people living in the NingXia region in China had exceptional lifespans and something in common: they were nibbling on this berry, making tea out of it, and drying the fruit and eating it. He took the berry back to his lab in the United States, and thus the journey of the red berry made it to American soil. Once Gary found NingXia, it took seven years to get it past customs in the U.S. and get it formulated. It started first as Berry Young Juice, just the juice. Then it was reformulated to include the peel and the flesh of the wolfberry fruit. Now let’s talk about some science behind why NingXia works! Here are seven quick reasons, with simple explanations.
The Science Behind Why NingXia Works: Here are 7 quick reasons:

Reason 1: Antioxidants
One ounce of Ningxia red = 2 pounds of wolfberries.
There are 17 or 18 species of wolfberry, but only the NingXia wolfberry has the ability to deliver all the micro and macro nutrients that are bioavailable to the cells of your body.
Antioxidants play a huge role in aging, memory, arthritis, inflammation—and so much more. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities. Presently, the highest antioxidant on the ORAC scale is vitamin E which comes in between 800 and 1200, followed by blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates etc… A combination of fruits, together, reach around 3000 on the ORAC. The ORAC score of NingXia is 27,300.
: Let’s watch Diamond Debbie Erickson show off the antioxidant power of NingXia Red!
Reason 2: Acid to Alkaline
In your body, you have alkaline acid. What creates disease? Acid. It breeds virus, bacteria, and fungus.
When you can keep your pH neutral, you inhibit growth of things you don’t want in your body. Everything we eat converts in the stomach, which has a pH of 2.5. Wolfberry goes into the stomach and starts to break down as acid, but the minute it hits the small intestine, it immediately converts back to alkaline. It’s acid binding and alkaline forming. Only one other food does that: the lemon.
Wolfberry is chemically structured to convert because of the amino acid Tripsin—which is responsible for the conversion of amino acids in protein. And guess what NingXia is? It’s alkaline protein. It’s the most perfect food that exists.
Reason 3: Free Radicals
Where do free radicals come from? The air, electromagnetic fields, stuff we’re eating—chocolate, sugar. They are the army guys on the wrong side of the team. They wreak havoc. You outnumber the army with NingXia.
Your body does a good job at taking care of oxidative stress, but one of the reasons we age—the reasons we get wrinkly, the reasons we feel tired– it’s because of an excess of free radicals. Everything that is high in ORAC will flush your system really well. Your body gets quadrillions of free radical attacks each day: 10,000 attacks **per cell** per day. The body needs a leg up. Most other “nutritional” drinks do little against superoxide—the worst free radical—because the drinks are so heavily processed. Gary worked for years to protect the berry all the way to the bottle, so you get the full benefits. The NingXia wolfberry was saved during processing. That means it is a powerhouse designed to fight free radicals in the body.
Reason 4: Vitamin/Mineral Pairs
Minerals have to be properly balanced.
Too much calcium will result in a zinc deficiency.
Too much zinc can suppress immunity and lead to anemia.
Both the mineral profile and the mineral balance of the NingXia wolfberry is without equal in the plant kingdom. With magnesium to calcium ratios 1:1, zinc to copper 2:1, and potassium to magnesium 8:1: it is exactly what the body needs in proportion.
Reason 5: It’s A Macronutrient
You’re getting whole food nutrition. It’s coming from the plant—not a synthetic source. It’s coming from a food-based source. That means it’s easier for your body to process and you’ll absorb more of what you’re eating. It is also a liquid. If you did a digestive function test, 95-98 percent of us would come back with a weak or deficient digestive system—because of medications, stress, and processed food. To get NingXia in a liquid form means you absorb it faster, and your body doesn’t have to break it down.
Reason 6: It’s Infused with Essential Oils
Essential Oils in NingXia act as a delivery system to the body. Because it’s infused with YL therapeutic-grade essential oils, it increases the absorption rate of NingXia. The tiny oils act as a delivery system for the larger molecules.
Reason 7: It Has the Right Sugar and the Right Enzymes
But sugar is bad, right? Not all sugar. NingXia has the right sugar to open the door to your cell. When our cell membranes are
1) inflamed
2) oxidized
3) toxic
4) lacking in mitochondrial function to energize the receptors to open and close—we have no energy.
NingXia’s sugars open the door to our cells so good information can get passed to them. It crosses the lipid layer of the cell and passes inside. Only 8 sugars on the earth can open the door. NingXia has 4 of the 8, naturally occurring inside the wolfberry.
Let’s also talk enzymes. By age 40, you start losing digestive enzymes in the gut. NingXia is loaded with the right enzymes to help you break food down and get the nutrients out of what you eat. Feed your body exactly what it needs.

Other important things about NingXia:
- It contains every essential amino acid.
- It contains 13 percent protein, the highest protein content of any fruit.
- It has trace minerals.
- It has naturally occurring Vitamins B1, B6, and B2—the energy vitamin.
- It has more Vitamin C than all the fruits and veggies on the earth: 148 milligrams. Parsley and Spinach have 133 milligrams. Oranges have 53. It has more calcium than cherries (16mg) and cruciferous veggies (50) at 110 milligrams, and more beta carotene (12,600) than carrots (11,000).
- It is loaded with fiber because the skin of the berry was preserved.

Perhaps the best thing the Wolfberry does for your body is what it does to cells. The cell membrane is made up of oils, fats, and phospholipids. There are proteins floating on this very liquid and very flexible sea of fat. The proteins are like antennas that pick up messages from other cells.
You know the messengers that come into a cell, they have fancy names like insulin, thyroid enzymes, digestive enzymes, neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. They are messengers that do not work well until you attach the right sugars to them. You can see the power of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and sugars are needed. If you are eating the wrong sugar, you are rendering the whole structure of the cell membrane dysfunctional. If cell communication breaks down, your health breaks down. If you mess up the cell membrane, you need more insulin to get the job done.
40 percent of you are insulin resistant. If a man has a waist of more than 40 inches, and a woman more than 35 inches, they are insulin resistant. That is why you want to stay away from bad sugar– but we’ll get back to that in the NingXia Challenge coming up at the end of the class. Let’s wrap all this science up in 2 sentences:
the NingXia wolfberry and good nutrition can impact your cell membrane.
It helps cellular communication take place, it gives the mitochondria the energy it needs, it provides micronutrients and feeds mitochondria, and it has the right sugar to open the cell door. When you eat poorly, your cells get mucked up. That lipid layer on the outside of the cell gets sticky. And the cells stack on top of one another like coins. NingXia wipes that doorway clean, increases the surface area so that good information can get passed to the cell. Let’s look at it play out on a microscope.
Again, NingXia is not healing the body. It’s cleaning cell receptor sites so the body can do its own work—and communicate like a boss. It comes alongside the body so it can do what it was created to do. Let’s try it out! The best way to experience NingXia is just to get it in your body and feel it for yourself.
How long does it take to notice the benefits? Some notice immediately, some in the first couple of weeks, and some in a few months. It takes four months for every cell in your body to be replaced. I’d say drink 2-4 ounces a day for four months, then take a week off and see how you feel. That’s how you notice the benefits on your body.
Fun Uses of Ningxia

NingXia Shot recipes from Young Living corporate (all oils are Vitality oils):
Atomic fireball: 1 oz NingXia Red, 2 drops Cinnamon, 1 drop Ocotea;
Mind Blaster: 1 oz NingXia Red, 1 drop Lime, 1 drop Peppermint, 1 drop Citrus Fresh, 1 drop Frankincense, 1 drop Cinnamon Bark;
Hot Flash: 1 oz. NingXia Red, 2 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Peppermint;
Dreamsicle: 1 oz. NingXia Red, 1 drop Sacred Frankincense, 1 drop Orange, 1 drop Lime, 1 drop Tangerine, 1 drop Copaiba, 1 drop Citrus Fresh, 1 drop Lemon;
Cimply Smooth: 1 oz. NingXia Red, 2 drops Tangerine, 2 drops Lime, 1 drop Sacred Frankincense
And some Odd Ways to use NingXia:
As a mouthwash: just swish
Make NingXia tea: heat one cup of water, add 1 ounce of NingXia Red. Sip as you would a tea.
NingXia poultice: Select a gauze pad. Add a tablespoon OF NingXia to the cloth. Put a heat or cold pack behind it. Apply for a few hours.
Ningxia Wolfberry paste: Pour an ounce of NingXia onto a plate. Let it sit for a few hours. As the water evaporates, it will get sticky and gooey—apply where you want it.
NingXia abdominal conditioner: I like to use this to get things moving. Add 1 tsp to NingXia to Genesis Hand and Body Lotion and massage over your abdomen, just under your ribs to your hips. Move in large clockwise circles over your large intestine.
NingXia lotion: add 1 tsp of NingXia to a small amount of Rose Ointment or Genesis Hand and Body Lotion.
NingXia for your ears: add a few drops of the juice on a cotton swab and swab on the inside of your ear (not deep). Your ears will feel clean. Wolfberry juice has a naturally occurring compound that can dissolve or loosen waxy substances.
NingXia enema: Add warm water to an enema bottle. Add 1 tablespoon to 2 ounces of NingXia. Lay on your right side, insert the applicator and squeeze liquid into your colon. Hold for at least 7 minutes, longer is better. It takes 7 minutes for the blood to circulate through your body.
Finger or toe soak: Soap the finger or toe in undiluted NingXia Red for a few minutes. Massage the juice into your skin.
NingXia foot baths: Get two one-gallon ziplock bags. Add 2 ounces of NingXia per bag. Fill your bathtub or a foot tub with warm water. Put your foot in the bag and the bag in the water and soak for 20 minutes.
NingXia massage: When you get your next massage, take a half ounce of V-6 Massage Oil with you, and add 1-2 ounces of NingXia to it. Have them do the massage with this mixture.
NingXia nail and cuticle treatment: Dip half a cotton ball in a small bowl of NingXia until it’s dripping wet. Press onto nails and let sit for 30 minutes or overnight.
NingXia scalp application: place one tablespoon of NingXia in a small dish. Wrap a towel around your head and shoulders to protect your clothing. Massage the juice into your scalp. (I like to use a small plastic squirt bottle for this to get it into my roots). Let it sit on your skin for at least 15 minutes before showering.
Ningxia frozen snacks: NingXia doesn’t freeze entirely. So if you put the packets in the freezer, they’ll come out like slushies. It’s pretty amazing.
NingXia gummies:
1 cup fresh-squeezed orange juice
1/2 cup Ningxia Red
5 tbsp grass-fed gelatin
2 tbsp organic maple syrup or raw honey
4 drops Orange Vitality essential oil and 2 drops Lemon Vitality essential oil
In a saucepan, heat the NingXia and maple syrup or honey. Add gelatin until it’s fully dissolved, no clumps. Add oils and pour into a silicone mold. Let harden (3-4 hours on the counter, or 10 minutes in the freezer).
That wraps up our class! Let’s take one more quick peek at how to get started.
I recommend the NingXia Starter Bundle, which gives you a 24 percent discount off of all your NingXia, your oils, and Young Living products– for life. I started my journey with a Starter Kit, and it’s where I recommend you begin too. You get more bang for your buck and a lifetime discount without a yearly membership fee. Let’s peek inside.

The NingXia Red Starter Bundle is $145 dollars, and comes with
- 2 bottles of NingXia Red (that have 25 1-ounce servings each),
- a 30-pack of NingXia Red Singles,
- NingXia Nitro,
- Essential Oil Magazine to learn,
- and an awesome welcome package from the Aroma Nest when you join us.
Individually, the kit is worth $262 dollars, so you are saving $127 dollars– and getting a 24-percent discount on every future order– by starting with the kit. Let’s take a closer look at what is inside.

The NingXia Red Starter Bundle comes with 2 full bottles of NingXia Red. That’s enough for 50 one-ounce servings. If you do an ounce a day, it’s nearly 2 months’ worth of NingXia. At two ounces a day, it’ll last you a full month.

The kit also comes with 30 packets, or sachets, of NingXia. They’re 2 ounces each. I love the sachets because they’re great on the go. When you’re out and about, at work, shuttling kids places– you can still take your NingXia with you without having to transport it in a glass bottle.

The NingXia Starter Kit has an entire box of 14 Nitro inside. Nitro is full of minerals and B vitamins– all the good ingredients and none of the bad. My favorite time to drink one of this is during my afternoon slump.
I love coming alongside you and training you to read ingredients, challenge the labels of the products in your home, and be the gatekeeper to your house.
You can control what you allow inside.
Thieves– what is that?!?!
It is the oil that put Young Living on the map. It’s what we’re known for. Thieves is a blend of several oils that are infused into our cleaning products. There’s Thieves Cleaner, Thieves Hand Soap, Thieves Laundry Soap– and more. Young Living loves to give you a sample of what we do, even in a NingXia kit. We highly recommend to add the Thieves Household Cleaner and Hand Sanitizer to one of your first orders!

There are actually 2 ways to get NingXia goodness in your life: the NingXia Starter kit (I’d begin there if you’re not a Young Living member yet, so you get the lifetime discount)– and the NingXia Essential Rewards Bundle.
One gets you started, and one keeps your going.
We already talked about the Starter Kit. To continue on NingXia after month one, get on NingXia Essential Rewards. You can actually set it up right when you get your kit. This gives you 10 percent off your NingXia immediately, and it’s the cheapest way to get it in Young Living.
After four consecutive months, you get 20 percent off, and after 25 consecutive months, you get 25 percent off your NingXia. The ER bundle comes with 4 bottles of NingXia and a 30-pack of singles. Let’s talk cost.
If you buy NingXia wholesale (after you get your starter kit), it’s $1.38 an ounce.
On Essential Rewards, now called Loyalty Rewards, (after your Starter Kit), it’s $1.17 cents an ounce. That saves you 21 cents every single ounce, just by getting it on Essential Rewards.
Hands down, the NingXia Essential Rewards kit will save you the most money to keep it stocked in your home year-round for every member of your family.
How much should you drink? The recommended daily amount is two ounces, or one ounce for those under the age of six. If it bothers you, drink one quarter teaspoon two to three times a day until you can up your dose.
After a week, move to ½ of a teaspoon a day. After two weeks, move to one teaspoon a day (or an ounce). Continue until you get to two teaspoons daily. Take Sulfyrzyme while you up your dose for comfort.
Let’s end with a story, from Young Living’s Convention in 2015: a story about Ghandi. Ghandi used to give advice to people two or three hours a day. He’d sit under a tree and people would line up. After waiting all day long in the heat, finally a mom with her child gets up to Ghandi and says, “please– tell my kid to stop eating candy.” Ghandi says “come back tomorrow.” The woman is puzzled, but hey, if Ghandi says it, you do it. She lines up in the heat of the sun the next day and gets to the top of the line again, and says “please Ghandi, tell my son to stop eating candy.” Ghandi says “quit eating candy.” She says, “why didn’t you tell him that before?” He says, “well before, I was eating candy myself.”
I want to challenge you. Do you want to share NingXia with those you know? You will have more power of conviction if you speak truthfully and say “I quit refined sugar today.” Refined sugar does the opposite of what NingXia is doing for your body. We talked about NingXia naturally containing good sugars; refined sugar is the opposite.
Let’s kick this entire class up a notch. I believe in training you long after the class is over. We are an education-driven team, which means we work alongside you to train you on Young Living products, mainly via our Aroma Nest Community Facebook group. Let’s train for 30 straight days on NingXia alone. We’re going to train your body and build a brand new habit.
How do you incorporate all this NingXia training as a lifestyle change? You have 2 options– depending on where you are in your wellness journey.
Option 1: just start drinking NingXia. Get it in your system. You’re going to feel changes from that one simple action.
Option 2: Take the full-on 30-day NingXia challenge. Drink a 2-ounce packet or 2 ounces from the NingXia bottle every single day for 20 days. Do no sugar, or if that’s too hard, under 10 grams of sugar daily. And get outside for a 30-minute walk. You don’t need to get a gym membership and dead lift 200 pounds– just simply walk.
2) Get your NingXia calendar on your fridge and accept the 30 days of challenges
3) I will plug you in to the next Core 4 class: 101 Oils, 102 Thieves, or 104 CBD after that. I am here to train you as our member on your journey. I’d love to come train your friends and family so your NingXia doesn’t have to come out of your monthly budget.

Has another Aroma Nest member or mentor sent you here? Make sure to use her/his referral link, or simply send me a message and I’ll make sure that they become your enroller!

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