
Welcome to ‘All Things Thieves! We all know that health and wellness is on the rise, especially with the recent global pandemic. Many products are being advertised as “safe” and “all-natural”, but are they really all that safe? The packages are pretty and the labels are clever, but the more you dig, the more you find out.

According to the American Lung Association, there are many cleaning supplies and household products on the market that can cause numerous health conditions from minor things like throat or eye irritation to headaches all the way to major things like cancer. Read more about it here…

It explains how so many common household cleaning products can lead to health problems like eye and throat irritation, headaches, respiratory issues, allergic reactions, worsened asthma, and possibly even cancer! Yuck!! We don’t want that.

Cancer is the second most common cause of death, exceeded only by heart disease. The American Cancer Society says only 5-percent of these cases are from gene defects. That means 90 to 95 percent are under our control; cause by excess weight, tobacco, or exposure to toxic chemicals. It’s what we’re allowing into our homes.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health studied 2,983 ingredients in our products at home and found 884 toxic ingredients.

  • 314 caused biological mutations,
  • 218 caused reproductive problems,
  • 146 (they knew) caused cancerous tumors, but were allowed in the United States, even though they were banned in other countries around the world.

To protect your family, begin with making changes in your home, and start with the biggest offenders first. Start with

  • laundry soap,
  • dishwasher soap,
  • cleaning supplies,
  • candles, and
  • plug ins.

Toss the candles and plug ins. A candle is filled with dangerous petrochemicals. Dr. Andrew Sled, who specializes in environmental toxicology, says burning a candle in your home for two hours is the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes. 40 percent of candles are made with wics containing lead, which is not safe to breathe in. By making a swap from candles to a diffuser with Lemon oil, you’re supporting your immune system instead of harming it.

Let’s take a look at some of these products and their carcinogen ratings. No one else will be the gatekeeper of your home, save you.

  • Twenty-six seconds after exposure, chemicals are found in measurable amounts in the human body.
  • The average woman applies 300 chemicals a day to her body (80 before breakfast!)
  • The top 10 most dangerous chemicals in your home are:
    • air fresheners (like plug ins or candles),
    • chemical cleaning supplies for your counters, floors, toilets, drain and oven cleaners, furniture polish, dishwasher soap, and dish soap are also culprits.

What do you think the number one poison in the family home is?

Laundry soap, fabric softener and dryer sheets!!

You’re poisoned three ways;

  • as your washing your clothes, it’s filling your home with chemicals,
  • then you wear your clothes all day long and have topical exposure to your skin,
  • and then the clothes outgas all night long in your closet as you sleep, and you breathe the chemicals in.

If you make that one swap to Thieves laundry soap, I’ll feel like we did a great thing with this class.

Other dangers in the home are hairspray, gel, shampoo, and deodorant. Deodorant with aluminum is one of the leading causes of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. That information about the most dangerous chemicals in the home comes from a government study called “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Top 10 Killer Household Chemicals.”

When choosing products to use in our houses, it seems easiest to just grab whatever items are available at our local stores. However, those products may not be the safest. Sadly many of them – even the “green” ones – contain ingredients you do NOT want in your house or anywhere near your family. But what ARE those ingredients and why don’t we want to use them? Let’s take a look!

Look up “dangers of…-)


  • This is a preservative that is often seen in lotions, cosmetics, and baby wipes. It’s a known carcinogen and can cause skin and respiratory irritations.


  • These are a group of chemicals found in personal care products and many plastics and vinyls. They can affect your endocrine system, reproductive health, and even potentially cause cancer.


  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gases that are emitted into the air. They’re found in some building materials, home and personal products, gasoline, and even things like glue and permanent markers. Breathing VOCs can cause eye, nose and throat irritation as well as difficulty breathing and nausea, even damage to the central nervous system and other organs. Some VOCs can even cause cancer.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

  • These are surfactants commonly used as an emulsifying cleaning agent in household cleaning products (laundry detergents, spray cleaners, and dishwasher detergents). In other words they keep things mixed up and help them create lather. Oftentimes they are synthetically derived and have the potential to cause skin irritation.

Ethanolamines (MEA, DEA, and TEA)

  • These are found in many household and personal care products and have been linked to organ system toxicity, bioaccumulation, and even cancer. 


  • This is found in many antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers, and detergents as well as some toothpastes, deodorants, cosmetics, plastics, and more. It can affect the thyroid and endocrine system and was recently banned by the FDA to be used in “antiseptic washes” but can still be found in some other products like toothpaste, cosmetics, and even clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and toys.


  • The word “fragrance” can appear on a label and contain an enormous list of ingredients that a company is not required to disclose, as it is considered a ‘trade secret.’ That means a product could contain some awful ingredients and the consumer wouldn’t even know! These chemicals could be linked to cancer, reproductive and developmental toxicity, allergies and sensitivities. Why take the risk?

These are just a FEW of the ingredients you want to avoid when bringing products into your home. But my oh my! Doesn’t that sound exhausting to have to read label after label, wondering if what you’re using is safe?

Well, I’ve got good news! You don’t have to. You won’t find ANY of those ingredients in Young Living products, especially in the Thieves line. You can trust that what you’re purchasing is truly a SAFE product. Young Living never uses any artificial dyes, harsh chemicals, or synthetic fragrances. How wonderful is that?!

And the best part… it all comes directly to your door. Easy peasy!

What happens when your body is chemically overloaded?

Most of us feel it as lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, skin issues, adult acne, hormones, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear.

If you face any of these issues, it’s time to kick chemicals to the curb. You can control what you allow within the four walls of your home. You can cross some things off the list by going as close to toxic-chemical free as you can– in your home. My journey started with Young Living in 2014. I am not telling you Young Living will change your health. But I am telling you if one of your triggers is chemicals– possibly in something you’re slathering on your skin, breathing in, or consuming– it’s time to get some of those things out of your house. My favorite place to start is with the Seed to Seal promise– on our 600 products at Young Living.

What is Seed to Seal?  

It is the standard of purity for Young Living. That means no chemical overload! You can trust the name.

Young Living is an essential oils company based out of Utah. The one thing that sets Young Living apart from all other oils companies is our Seed to Seal promise. Let me break down what Seed to Seal actually means.

At Young Living, we do not strip constituents to make our oils smell better. We do not mix species of the same oil. We do not spray weed killers or pesticides or herbicides or use genetically modified seeds. We spend $12,000 thousand dollars per acre to hand-weed Lavender, instead of the industry standard of $60 dollars per acre for the same plant. The industry standard is $60 dollars per acre because spraying pesticides is much cheaper than hand weeding. We do not distill with solvents like hexane.

Our soil is not tainted with mercury, arsenic, glyphosate, or any poison because our fields are untouched by toxic chemicals. We harvest at the exact time of day that Young Living’s research team has found to be the ideal time for that specific plant. We know when that peak is because of our extensive library on oils; the oldest and largest globally, compiled from nearly 30 years of research at farms on six continents. Gary Young grew Helichrysum essential oil at Saint Marie’s in Idaho, then Mona in Utah, then the Mediterranean country of Croatia to watch its scores on our Seed to Seal testing. We don’t always grow it where it grows natively. We grow it where it grows best and produces the most effective oil for the body. Our farms are all over the world, and you can visit them yourself, ANY of our farms, because we are transparent.

We test eight times at the farm, then again at Spanish Fork, Utah, then again after bottling. We do 24 tests per batch to make sure the oils meet our standards. Then we do third party testing with two accredited, respected independent labs. Young Living’s oils are tested by scientists with over 180 years of combined lab experience. Most of the scientists were hand-trained by founder Gary Young himself.

Young Living is a global leader in essential oils, with nearly two-billion-dollars in sales annually. That means those that use the oils keep returning, because they work. There are three-thousand global employees, 600 life-changing products, 16 corporate and partner farms, more than 20 international markets, 50 highly trained scientists, 12 independent partner labs, and six million global members.

Young Living is about integrity, hard work, and high standards. THAT is Seed to Seal. And that is why Young Living is different.

We are more than 25 years old – which is really unique for a global essential oils company. Did you know that you can visit the Young Living farms? That is really unique!

  • Plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)
  • sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil
  • great care taken to preserve and protect natural resources
  • hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides
  • oils that retain all their natural constituents and therapeutic properties
  • use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods
  • low pressure and low temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals
  • rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities
  • oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards

And the best part… if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. Check out more info on their Seed to Seal promise at

What are Essential Oils?

They are the most powerful part of the plant. They repair and restore the plant when it is attacked or injured.

We can use oils in the home to replace harsh chemicals.

Why would you want oils in your house? Oils have no yuck. They are just the distilled or cold-pressed plant. There are millions of uses, such as: supporting systems in the human body like your cardiovascular system or your endocrine system (which effects hormones), supporting your joints, your brain, or liver. They are used to replace cleaning supplies.

Thieves Cleaner is all I use to

  • wipe down my bathrooms,
  • my stove and
  • my kitchen.
  • I even mop my floors with it.

It’s made of plants and essential oils. You can use oils to replace your personal care products. Young Living has an entire line of shampoos, soaps, conditioners, eye creams, and face washes that are completely chemical free. If you use oil infused supplements, you get the benefit of the supplement along with the power of the oil. 

It matters where the oils are sourced. There are four types of oils on the earth:

  • Grade A: Authentic
  • Grade B: Manipulated
  • Grade C: Perfume
  • Grade D: Synthetic

It’s so important that you use only Grade A oil because of the concentration in the bottle. It’s like eating an entire apple tree spayed with pesticide, instead of one apple. It makes no sense to go the extra mile to get away from toxic chemicals, and then use an oil laden with toxic chemicals.

Let’s take a look at a powerful video that shows the effects of spraying crops. This study was done out of Sweden and is based on food. Essential oils are much more concentrated. When it takes 60-thousand Rose blossoms to make an ounce of Rose oil, the concentration of the pesticides sprayed on those plants is much higher. Look at what one month of clean eating (and getting rid of chemicals), can do to the level of chemical exposure in the human body.

If you save 30 cents when you buy grapes at the grocery store by going for the sprayed grapes instead of the organic ones, I have just rocked your world! It MATTERS what you buy.

That is why Seed to Seal is SO powerful. It’s not always about getting the cheapest version of a product that you possibly can. It’s about the quality of what you’re bringing into your home.

Now that you understand purity, let’s switch gears and talk all things Thieves. We’re going to do a little History class, a little Math class, a little Science class, and then send you home with some Thieves cleaner for you to make yourself. You’ll wipe down your kitchen and fall in love!

What is Thieves?

Thieves essential oil is a blend of 5 powerful Young Living oils. It’s spicy, hot, uplifting, and energizing. And it is one of the most famous oils in all of Young Living, one of the oils that put this company on the map in the early 1990’s.

All the products within the Thieves line contain the proprietary Young Living essential blend called Thieves, which is a sweet and spicy combination of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary, and Lemon essential oils. The name ‘Thieves’ was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated and wore a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, vinegar, and other botanicals that they believed provided protection while they were stealing. The story goes on to say that when the thieves were caught they were offered a lesser punishment if they would divulge to the king the secret to their immunity, despite being exposed to a highly infectious, deadly disease. Pretty interesting, huh??

Gary said, quote “I must tell you that I have read 17 different versions of the Thieves story. Some claim there were four thieves and some claim there were as many as 40. Most of the legends took place in the 15th century, but some put the date in the 18th century. The formulas varied from one story to then next, but through my research, I was led to four key botanicals that were mentioned again and again– Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary, and Lemon– four of the same ingredients that make up the Thieves oil blend today.”

This is a whole new way to clean!

Thieves will revolutionize how you clean your home. It’s been a game changer for me! I recommend that you start with the $125 Young Living Thieves Bundle. I started my journey with a Premium Starter Kit (the bundle is considered one), and it’s where I suggest you start, too. The starter kits are the only thing on Young Living’s website that are HALF OFF.

When you order, you get a 24-percent discount for life. Forever. Any oil you get from that point on, or any Thieves cleaning item, is 24-percent off.

There’s no yearly membership.

There are no fees, not even for our Loyalty Rewards program or to redeem your points!!!

Just snag your kit and enjoy a lifetime discount.

That means you get Thieves Essential Oil, toothpaste, mouthwash, cleaner (which replaces all the cleaner in my home), hand soap, spray that you can use for shopping carts or airplane seats (or to spray your kid’s hands down in a restaurant before you eat), and hand sanitizer– in one kit.

Did you know there’s an entire DISCOUNTED bundle of Thieves on Loyalty Rewards, so you get the blessing of Thieves with your 24 percent wholesale discount, 10-25 percent off LR discount, and an additional discount because it’s in an LR bundle? It’s the most affordable way to keep Thieves in every room of your home, and with you on the road.

This bundle is worth over $264.47 but is only $160!

Loyalty Rewards. What is that?!

It’s the way I save you the most on Thieves.

If affordability is an issue, consider this: when you get the Thieves Starter kit, you get 24 percent off your oils for LIFE. It’s a wholesale membership. When you sign up for Loyalty Rewards, (which ships Young Living products you pick out each month on the date that you choose), you get 10 percent off right off the bat.

That means Young Living is paying you 10 percent back for buying your laundry and dish soap; and there is no chemical yuck inside.

After four months, you get 20 percent back.

And after 25 months, you get 25 percent back, just for buying your cleaning supplies on Essential Rewards!

You also get gifts at 3, 6, 9, 12 and annually!

No grocery store I know does that! AND if you get on LR before you close out the sale of your kit, that kit counts toward free oils and points. That’s why I recommend you get on LR right at sign up. You can cancel anytime– there is no fee. Just a house full of pure toxin-free cleaning supplies and a healthier you.

You thought you’d get through our Thieves school day without a little science class. Think again! We’re going to bring in our top science guru to explain how to use Thieves products effectively.

Here’s the latest from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about ways to mitigate the spread of pathogens, directly from the mouth of Young Living’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Mike Buch (boo-k). Many have asked how Young Living hand sanitizer is different if it also contains alcohol. Not all alcohol is made the same way. Ours is denatured using Peppermint oil, which makes all the difference. You get the power of the alcohol with ingredients you want to see. Let’s listen to Mike talk about how to effectively use Thieves Hand Sanitizer, soap, and spray.

Can it really be used as a strong enough surface cleaner?

Let’s put it to the test. These swab tests are the same types of tests used in the food industry to test for unclean counters near food prep areas. Let’s take a closer peek. This is Young Living leader Rachael. She made up a spray bottle of Thieves Cleaner– 1 cap of cleaner to a spray bottle of water, then rubbed some raw chicken on her counter to see if Thieves could get it clean.

Young Living doesn’t just have the Thieves Starter Bundle. It has an entire line of Thieves products: bar soap, cough drops, dental floss, dish soap and dishwasher powder, mints, fruit and veggie wash, and even Thieves wipes.

It’s simple, requires no prep, and is easy to swap.

Let’s take a look at the Veggie Wash.

Thieves is really good for preserving fruits and vegetables. I’ve always been blown away using the Thieves Fruit and Veggie wash, because of all the grime that comes off my produce right when I bring it home from the grocery store.

This is the story of 2 pumpkins. One pumpkin was sprayed with Thieves above, the other was not. One is happy, one is not. As I’m putting my groceries away, I pull each fruit or veggie out and pop it in a large bowl of water with a capful of the wash. It helps to get the gunk and dirt off my produce before I put it in the fridge. I let it soak for 5 minutes while I am putting my other groceries away.

If you are overloaded by the concept of oiling, Thieves is a brilliant place to start. Oils are the gateway to natural health! They are like fast-food natural health: apply and carry on.

There is no tincturing, no fermenting, no growing weird things in jars on your counter. All the hard work is done at the Young Living distilleries and out in the fields. Then it goes from Young Living’s farms to your home. In a single order, you can knock out most of the toxic chemicals in your home with Thieves Cleaner alone. It’s not going to break the bank. It’s a simple, easy gateway into the world of oiling. You’re protecting your family from more than a dozen different cleaning solutions with a single bottle of Thieves Cleaner. Thieves Laundry soap– another very simple swap.

If you don’t have a Young Living wholesale account yet, I’d recommend the Make A Shift™ Happy, Healthy Home™ Kit, which is currently discounted to $112.

Let’s take a closer look at what comes in that bundle.

We have already talked about the Thieves oil above. You will get a 15 ml bottle, which contains roughly 250 drops. In other words: it will last you a very long time!

What about Thieves Cleaner that comes in your Starter or LR bundle?

Are the ingredients inside…. safe? Let’s take a closer look. Then I want you to grab the cleaner under your cabinet right now and look at the same label. If there’s an ingredient you don’t know, type it in “Google” with the words “dangers of.” And start to look at what you’re breathing in or slathering on your skin. Know your home. Then protect your home.

It doesn’t matter how clean it is, if you can’t afford to use it. But Thieves is AFFORDABLE.

Let’s break it down. It is time for a quick math lesson. We’ve already covered history and science! You’re getting a full school day in! I’m not terribly quick on my feet when it comes to calculating costs of products at the grocery store, but Thieves is a no-brainer. It’s significantly cleaner than green cleaners, and even cheaper than chemical cleaners.

One of the top organic brands is 27 cents an ounce. Thieves cleaner comes in for the win– at 5 cents an ounce.

With one bottle (and you get 2 bottles in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit), I can make 25 diluted spray bottles. Can you get 25 spray bottles of cleaner– for 22 dollars???

Simply add 1 capful of the concentrated Thieves cleaner to a spray bottle of water and you’re off and running. It’s the cheapest green cleaner out there! And it works! This one simple swap will revolutionize how you clean and help you toss most of the harsh chemicals under your kitchen sink.

Remember that harsh chemical I mentioned in the beginning – triclosan? It is a banned ingredient for antiseptic washes but it can still be found in other products like toothpaste! Why is it not safe to apply to your skin but it’s perfectly ok to put in your mouth? That doesn’t make any sense!

Toss that questionable toothpaste and go for one with all-natural ingredients and essential oils – like the Thieves AromaBright

or Thieves Whitening toothpastes! You won’t find any synthetic ingredients here. AromaBright gently brushes away plaque and helps support strong and healthy-looking teeth, while its smooth, natural formula is gentle on teeth and their delicate enamel. Thieves Whitening Toothpaste uses pure and safe ingredients to whiten teeth, fight plaque, support healthy gums, and remove stains without damaging enamel. It also foams up quite nicely! They are both fluoride-free and contain no harsh ingredients.

Try the Whitening Toothpaste once you are done with the Aroma Bright

Oily Hack: Use your AromaBright toothpaste as deodorant! Just a tiny pea-size amount rubbed on your underarms does the trick. It’s not sticky and it smells amazing. Try it!

Next up in the bathroom is Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash.

Your teeth and gums will benefit from an invigorating clean that’s free from harsh alcohol and artificial dyes and flavors. You will get the spicy-sweet flavor of Thieves plus a touch of Spearmint and Peppermint, leaving your mouth happy and healthy. This one can be a little intense in the flavor department; if you are more sensitive you can easily dilute this mouthwash with distilled or filtered water.

The Thieves floss is something to add to a future Essential Rewards order!

Make your dentist happy and floss those teeth – with Thieves Dental Floss. It’s made with strong fibers that resist fraying and glide easily between teeth, removing food particles and buildup. There are no synthetic dyes, artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives… but what you WILL find is Thieves and Peppermint essential oils. Your bathroom – and your body – are going to love all these simple swaps!

Everybody needs soap! Why not grab one made formulated with only the highest-quality, plant-based ingredients and infused with pure essential oils? You can cleanse and purify your skin and not have to worry about any harsh ingredients. There are two Thieves options to pick from: Thieves Cleansing Soap (bar) & Thieves Foaming Hand Soap.

(2) Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

  • Combines Thieves, Lemon, and Orange essential oils with other naturally derived ingredients to clean hands
  • Instant foam makes it easy to lather and rinse
  • Leaves skin soft and clean with a light Thieves scent
  • Delivers a gentle clean for the whole family
  • Comes in a single, 3-pack, and a 32-oz. refill

Add the bar soap to a future order.

Thieves Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Provides natural, gentle exfoliation and soothing benefits from oat bran
  • Leaves skin feeling soft, smooth, and refreshed
  • Made with a 100% vegetarian formula and infused with Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, and Rosemary essential oils
  • Gentle enough for all skin types
  • Formulated with aloe vera to moisturize the skin

Formulated with non-gluten-containing ingredients

Both of these soaps are formulated without synthetic dyes or colorants, parabens, petrochemicals, or sulfates. You can easily swap out those chemical-laden soaps for these much safer options!

We are a busy culture; are we not? We run, run, run, and then we run some more. We are always on the move. Young Living makes it easy to take the power of Thieves with you wherever you go with Thieves Sanitizer, Spray, and Wipes!

(2) Thieves Hand Sanitizer 

  • Kills 99.9% of germs and eliminates common, harmful bacteria
  • Formulated with powerful essential oils and plant-based ingredients
  • Lightly moisturizes with aloe vera and vegetable glycerin
  • Leaves no chemical residue behind
  • Contains no petrochemicals, mineral oil, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, dyes, preservatives, or toxic ingredients

(2) Thieves Spray

  • Contains naturally derived, plant-based ingredients
  • Doesn’t require rinsing after use and has no harsh fumes
  • Easy to throw in a backpack, purse, or luggage with its on-the-go size
  • Cleans many different surfaces, such as counters, sinks, toilets, and door handles
  • Safe to use around the whole family, including children and pets

The Thieves wipes are great for on the go. Something for a future order!

Thieves Wipes

  • Non-drying, non-greasy, & no rinsing required
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable
  • Patented essential oil-liposome complex
  • Contain naturally derived, plant-based ingredients to quickly clean and freshen surfaces

Now you’ve got all you need to combat the crazy while you’re out and about. Keep your bags fully stocked and ready to tackle anything that comes lurking your way! #ByeByeYuck

You may be thinking, “Why do I need to worry about the soap I use to wash my dishes?”  Well, you aren’t eating the plate for lunch. However, you do put food ON your plate. The food picks up the detergent residue from the plate and then you ingest the food. That means that you ARE ingesting the soap or detergent. You also inhale the chemicals as the dishwasher releases them during washing. Ahhh!!! But don’t worry… I have some solutions! 

Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Powder

Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Powder combines the power of natural enzymes, essential oils, citric acid, and saponins derived from soapberries for a superior cleaning system without the use of harsh chemicals. It’s also infused with essential oils for extra effectiveness and a great, fresh scent. It removes dried-on food, grease, oil, and other contaminants so you can enjoy sparkling clean dishes without compromising your health.

Depending on the type of water you have, you may have to play around with this one. Those with hard water may need to add a little LemiShine (a non-toxic citric acid additive that can be purchased online or at the grocery store). Some people have success adding a little distilled white vinegar to the load or even Thieves Household Cleaner. Some add nothing. You will just have to play around and see what works for you.

Thieves Dish Soap

Easily swap out your not-so-safe dish soap with Thieves Dish Soap.This plant-based solution is infused with Jade Lemon and Bergamot essential oils, and of course, the Thieves blend.

It contains no sulfates, dyes, formaldehyde, phosphates, or synthetic perfumes and uses natural grease-cutting agents, leaving dishes sparkling clean with no residue. Your hands will also thank you for using such a gentle formula. You may notice that this soap isn’t quite as sudsy as traditional dish soaps. That’s because they don’t add the harmful chemical that creates the bubbles. So… I have an easy hack for you that not only creates more bubbles, but will also TRIPLE your bottle of soap!

First, remove 2/3 of the soap from the bottle and store for later. Add 1 tsp baking soda to the remaining soap. Fill with distilled or filtered water and shake until all mixed together. Use as directed on the bottle. So easy!

Before we move on, let’s talk about two more Thieves products you can use in your kitchen – Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak and Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray. They’re both the same formula but come in different containers. The soak comes in a small jug; you simply add a little to a basin of water, soak, rinse, and enjoy eating your fruits and vegetables as nature intended. The spray can be used to give your produce a quick spritz before rinsing and enjoying! It’s great for on-the-go uses or to bring along for camping trips or vacations.

The Fruit and Veggie Soak and Spray are infused with the Thieves, DiGize, and Purification essential oils blends and are great for both conventional and organically grown produce, safely and effectively cleaning them before consumption. Because believe me – once you see what comes off, you will be glad you decided to wash them!

The laundry room is a place most of us spend a lot of time in. I mean, we all need clean clothes, right? One would think it’s safe to just use whatever laundry soap or detergent you want based on the smell and washing ability. Sadly – that’s not the case.

Unfortunately the majority of the laundry soaps and detergents available to us are riddled with dangerous chemicals such as 1,4-dioxane; fragrance; SLS; and more.

We breathe in those chemicals as the laundry is being washed and dried (hello toxic dryer sheets!) AND we can even be absorbing them as we wear our clothes and snuggle into our blankets and towels. Ahhh! Why risk things like skin, nose, throat, and lung irritation or long-term effects to our organs and hormones? Some of these dangerous chemicals have even been linked to cancer yet they’re still readily available to us and marketed as “safe” and “normal.” Thankfully, Young Living wants nothing to do with those chemicals and has given you a legitimately SAFE solution with Thieves Laundry Soap. It is made of plant-based ingredients and leaves no chemical or synthetic residue so you can snuggle up with NO worries! It contains natural enzymes and cleaning agents and of course, the most powerful essential oils on the planet. Your clothes will be fresh and clean and left with a light citrus scent, not a heavy perfume.

The best part about this soap is that it’s concentrated so a little goes a long way! You can get 64 loads with just one 32-ounce bottle, making it economic AND a safe alternative for your family. Want to get DOUBLE that? Try this hack!

  • Remove 16 oz. soap from the bottle (half).
  • Add 3 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner (as a booster; optional).
  • Add 16 oz. distilled or filtered water.
  • Gently shake until completely incorporated.
  • Use as directed on the bottle.

One last trick… instead of grabbing dryer sheets (also filled with dangerous chemicals), grab some wool dryer balls from Amazon or a store like Trader Joe’s. It’s such an easy switch! Add 3-5 drops of your choice of essential oil to each dryer ball and freshen up that laundry. Tip: add the oils to the balls at the end of the cycle and let them toss for 5 minutes for best results.

The list just keeps on going, doesn’t it? Thieves everywhere! The cool thing about Thieves is that it can be used topically, aromatically, AND internally. The Thieves product line includes several ingestible items – the Vitality oil, cough drops, lozenges, and mints. Let’s take a quick look at them all!

The Vitality oils are labeled for internal/dietary use so they can be ingested. The solid color bottles are labeled for aromatic/topical use. However, they are the SAME oil. The ONLY difference is the color of the label. Lucky for us that means the Thieves blend is safe to ingest.

What’s so great about Thieves Vitality?

  • It provides immune system support.
  • It’s cleansing to the digestive system.
  • It contains antioxidant properties.
  • It provides general wellness support.

Again, because it’s a Vitality oil, it can be added to food or drinks, taken in a veggie capsule, or placed directly under the tongue. Some people enjoy it added to oatmeal, parfaits, coffees, desserts, honey, or NingXia Red. Try a few things and get creative; the possibilities are endless!

Check out these other great ways to ingest the Thieves blend… 

Thieves Cough Drops

  • Soothes sore throats
  • Relieves coughs
  • Cools nasal passages
  • Naturally sugar-free
  • Great flavor; contains natural menthol

Thieves Lozenges

  • Contains natural ingredients and pure essential oils
  • Great flavor boost thanks to Peppermint and Lemon essential oils
  • Perfect for on-the-go and bags of all kinds – purses, backpacks, briefcases
  • Contains no dyes, artificial flavors, or preservatives
  • Use them for targeted support or overall wellness

Thieves Mints

  • Naturally sugar-free
  • Made from naturally derived ingredients
  • Free of artificial sweeteners, dyes, and preservatives
  • Contains Thieves and Peppermint essential oils

As you can see Young Living makes it SO easy to get that incredible boost of Thieves every day. Get one or get them all – you can’t go wrong!

DIY Recipes Using Thieves

Before I tell you how to get wholesale pricing on the Thieves products, let me show you one more thing – some recipes! You are going to want to save these to use once you get your stash. They will come in handy!

Thank you so much for jumping in here with me and taking a look at what Young Living has to offer. I truly believe these oils and products need to be in every home, starting with yours and mine. This wellness lifestyle has been such a blessing and I know it can be for you too.

Side Note: I am not a doctor. I am not here to diagnose, treat, or prescribe things to you.

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