Thieves essential oil might be the most well-known and popular of the Young Living oil blends. This one we use absolutely every single day in our home.
Thieves is a FUNNY Name Right?
I know more homework…but seriously, google The Legend of the 4 Thieves and learn where this great combination was inspired from. This combination does not mess around it combines clove, cinnamon bark, lemon, eucalyptus radiata and rosemary into one divine oil blend. Again, you really should investigate each of these oils blends separately to learn about the powerful constituents each one contains. In combination this is the reason this blend is so popular.
How Should You Use Thieves?
This can be taken as a supplement to support respiratory and immune health. We definitely use it daily around my home. It smells like fall when you open the bottle. Definitely a fan favorite around our home. It is a yummy addition to your favorite tea or beverage. Thieves is an amazing cleaner you should check out the rest of the Thieves household product line. This is one way to get toxic chemicals out of your home.
Other Great Thieves Containing Products
Thieves is worth getting the Premium Starter Kit for! Ready to get started??